It would not be an overstatement to say that almost everybody wants to possess an "all-in-one" device. Yet it is not an easy task to make such a useful thing multifunctional, compact and stylish at the same time. However, a lot of companies succeeded in doing so and brought to market a great variety of different modern gadgets.
Danilo Mangini has also designed a very interesting concept. His gadget Lobster consists just of a big screen and represents, at the first sight, nothing interesting or unusual. Yet, this is not the case, because the modules, which can be connected to this device, perform different functions. Altogether there are 5 different modules: MP3 player, GPS navigator, hard disk, camera and cardiometer. In case you don't need some of these, you will not be obliged to buy them, because all this units will be sold separately. As regards the dimensions of this gadget they are quite satisfactory even when one of the modules is connected. Taking into consideration that Lobster is not a bulky device it is suggested to attach it to arm.
The fact that this gadget is quite stylish and functional will probably make some young people buy it. However, from the other side, given device can not be considered as a very original one, because it performs no new functions and has pretty ordinary design. Moreover, it should be mentioned that one or some of these small modules can be lost or forgotten somewhere in case you change them too often.

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